I will keep you all up to date it should be done in a few days.
The large ruff of skin that lies folded back against its neck is where
it gets its name frill-necked, the frill is supported by long spines of the cartilage that are connected to the jawbones. When the lizard is
frightened it gapes its mouth and the frill flares out displaying bright
orange-red purplish-blue to a blueish black, the reaction is to
discourage predators but it is all so used during courtship, this Lizard
is rather large in size it can grow to 91.00cm and it can run on its
back two legs, however, its body is darker than its frill and you can
find them in many different colours, I found this one on a trip to
Cairns, I stopped just outside Cardwell with some friends and went for a
walk in the Cardwell ranges, just to see what I could see I had only
been walking for about half an hour, and there was two frill-necked
lizard's having a dispute over territory, I was able to get a good photo
of one before they ran up a tree well separate trees, of course, I moved
away from there territory and found a spot to sit, and stayed for a few
hours and got some good sketches of one without its frill, most of the time they live in the trees and only come down to hunt or do some
courting, or of course have a dispute over territory, The original graphite drawing is for sale at $800,00, Prints of this drawing are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 or $205.00 US for A3 and 25% of the profits go to Cancer research.