Saturday, November 24, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Beautiful Hibiscus
little watercolour of hibiscus is one of the paintings we will be
doing in the workshop at Penrith NSW, I will take some photo's to show
you how they went with the painting, if you go to my Facebook page you will see some that the children did with crayon pencil not the full flower but just the bloom. $300.00
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Magnificent Water Dragon
thought I would try and explain and show you how I go about making a
good painting, the first step is to find a good subject this one is going to be a water dragon. Well, I suppose I could just download a photo from the web, but this would not give me the feel for the water dragon I
need to see him in real life. I am down in the Jamison Valley just below
the three sisters and the town of Katoomba
beautiful scenery and some great walks. Now I can sit and enjoy the peace and take in the beautiful scenery hear by this stream that he lives in and never too far from the water. It is just great to be here in his domain and feel as one with him. While I am waiting for him to show himself. I get some really good photos of his natural home I will be using them in the painting. He is not nervous of people, in fact, he is quite cheeky and will come right up to you, this one was just 2ft away from me and posed for me. these are the photos I will use for my painting. But first I will make some sketches and build my picture from
the photos and the sketches I did while I was waiting for him to show.I
could make as many as 4 sketches before I have the sketch I want to do my painting from.
25% of funds from the sale of my art is donated to Cancer research, you can purchase my art in print formate or as originals, the prints are on canvas with archival inks, all purchases can be paid for through Paypal
A4 Prints AU$155.00 + Postage
A3 Prints AU$205.00 + Postage
25% of funds from the sale of my art is donated to Cancer research, you can purchase my art in print formate or as originals, the prints are on canvas with archival inks, all purchases can be paid for through Paypal
A4 Prints AU$155.00 + Postage
A3 Prints AU$205.00 + Postage
Monday, November 5, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Beautiful Blue-winged Kookaburra
The Blue-winged Kookaburra is a rather large kingfisher, that lives in the northern areas of Australia and the southern regions of New Guinea, I think of all the Kookaburras it is far prettier than any of the others and a little smaller than the others, this one I came across on a trip to Darwin, the medium I have used to draw this Kookaburra is Pastel I hope you like it.
25% of funds from the sale of my art is donated to Cancer research, you can purchase my art in print formate or as originals, the prints are on canvas with archival inks, all purchases can be paid for through Paypal
A4 Prints AU$155.00 + Postage
A3 Prints AU$205.00 + Postage
25% of funds from the sale of my art is donated to Cancer research, you can purchase my art in print formate or as originals, the prints are on canvas with archival inks, all purchases can be paid for through Paypal
A4 Prints AU$155.00 + Postage
A3 Prints AU$205.00 + Postage
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Walking on fire
I was sitting in my studio thinking about a painting that I want to do of an Aboriginal sitting at his campfire playing his didgeridoo, and I ended up painting this abstract can anyone think of a name for it.
25% of funds from the sale of my art is
donated to Cancer research, you can purchase my art in print formate or
as originals, the prints are on canvas with archival inks, all purchases
can be paid for through PayPal
A4 Prints AU$155.00 + Postage
A3 Prints AU$205.00 + Postage
A4 Prints AU$155.00 + Postage
A3 Prints AU$205.00 + Postage
Monday, September 17, 2012
Whirly Whirly
I was sat on the veranda painting one day when this whirly cam through the bottom paddock, It looked like it was coming straight for my veranda, but when it got to the end of my paddock it turned into my neighbour's paddock and took out his shed and then just stopped, this is what I could see that day.
25% Of funds from the sale of my art is donated to Cancer research, you can purchase my art in print format or as originals, the prints are on canvas with archival inks, all purchases can be paid for through PayPal.
A4 Prints au$155.00 + Postage
A3 Prints au$205.00 + Postage
Artists Pool
I call this painting Artist's Pool. It was a long walk but very peaceful and the view was spectacular. I am so glad I took my Canon SLR because I
got some great shots of the Overland Track in Tasmania. It is so beautiful! To get to my pool you leave the Overland Track down to Lake
St Claire which is a 2 hr walk down the side of the mountain. It a long way but well worth the effort. I sat down and took out my Faber Castells and my Canson sketchbook and started drawing. It was so peaceful when I
got there - I just wanted to stay and forget the world but the light ran out, so I had to finish this creation back at the studio. Sadly my photos were destroyed when our house burnt down but I still have this painting which happened to hanging in a gallery at the time.
This painting in acrylic is for sale at $1,250 on canvas panel fully framed ready to hang.
25% Of funds from the sale of my art is donated to Cancer research, you can purchase my art in print format or as originals, the prints are on canvas with archival inks, all purchases can be paid for through Paypal.
A4 Prints au$155.00 + Postage
A3 Prints au$205.00 + Postage
25% Of funds from the sale of my art is donated to Cancer research, you can purchase my art in print format or as originals, the prints are on canvas with archival inks, all purchases can be paid for through Paypal.
A4 Prints au$155.00 + Postage
A3 Prints au$205.00 + Postage
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Beautiful Frill-necked Lizard
I will keep you all up to date it should be done in a few days.
The large ruff of skin that lies folded back against its neck is where
it gets its name frill-necked, the frill is supported by long spines of the cartilage that are connected to the jawbones. When the lizard is
frightened it gapes its mouth and the frill flares out displaying bright
orange-red purplish-blue to a blueish black, the reaction is to
discourage predators but it is all so used during courtship, this Lizard
is rather large in size it can grow to 91.00cm and it can run on its
back two legs, however, its body is darker than its frill and you can
find them in many different colours, I found this one on a trip to
Cairns, I stopped just outside Cardwell with some friends and went for a
walk in the Cardwell ranges, just to see what I could see I had only
been walking for about half an hour, and there was two frill-necked
lizard's having a dispute over territory, I was able to get a good photo
of one before they ran up a tree well separate trees, of course, I moved
away from there territory and found a spot to sit, and stayed for a few
hours and got some good sketches of one without its frill, most of the time they live in the trees and only come down to hunt or do some
courting, or of course have a dispute over territory, The original graphite drawing is for sale at $800,00, Prints of this drawing are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 or $205.00 US for A3 and 25% of the profits go to Cancer research.
Cheeky Lorikeet
This cheeky Lorikeet is in my front yard getting drunk on the pollen from these pretty flowers, very soon his mate's will start to fight with him for no real reason, they are really good fun to watch I got this shot from my second story veranda, one day I will paint him. I decided to draw him in pastel hope you all like it. The original is for sale at $800,00, Prints of this drawing are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US
for A4 or $205.00 US for A3 and 25% of the profits go to Cancer research.
Sleepy Koala
Koala some times called Koala bear but incorrectly, the Koala is a small slow tree-dwelling marsupial native to eastern Australia, having a stout body, thick grey-brown fur with a pale underside, large rounded furry ears, a leathery nose, strong claws, and a vestigial tail: it feeds largely on the leaves of certain eucalypts and is the faunal emblem of Queensland. The original is for sale at $1,000.00, Like all my works of art there are prints available in A4 size at $155.00 0r A3 size at $205.00 and 25% of profits from any of my art sold on this site or on my web site go to Cancer Council.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Magnificent old Catholic Chuch
This Catholic Church was on the side of the road for sale, I just could not pass by without making some kind of record of it for history. Prints of this drawing are available. 25% Of all the profits from any of my paintings sold on this site will go to Cancer Council. Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm x height 29cm or $205.00 US for A3 width 29cm x height 42cm.
Beautiful Bluebird
In my front yard, there are several big old gum trees, one with a deserted termites nest. This Little blue kingfisher has made her nest in it, and she works so hard all day getting bugs for her young, I have had plenty of time to study her and put her on canvas. I hope you like the pastel drawing that I have done of it. The original is for sale $600.00 US + Postage, Prints of this drawing are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 or $205.00 US for A3 and 25% of the profits go to Cancer research.
Kangaroo Mob
Kangaroo any of the larger plant-eating marsupials of Australia, having short forelimbs, a large thick tail for support and balance, long feet, and powerful limbs enabling a swift bounding motion, The original is for sale $600 Prints of this drawing are available. 25% Of all the profits from any of my paintings sold on this site will go to Cancer Council. Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 us for a4 width 21cm X height 29cm or $205.00 us for a3 width 29cm X height 42cm.
Magnificent Wedge-tailed Eagle
One day on my way home from Bundaberg, I saw in the distance a big wedge-tailed eagle ripping meat from a dead Kangaroo. As I got closer I could see he was very big in fact he was enormous, he did not seem to be one bit worried about me so I was able to stop on the side of the road and do some sketches of him, I was lucky to have my Derwent pencils and sketch pad in the car but no camera not happy, but I was able to get time to do a good sketch before he decided to leave, that was quite a sight to see him run down the road to get airborne he was magnificent, I am going to do a painting of him in flight soon.
This painting in acrylic is for sale at $1,250.00 US Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm x height 29cm. Or $205.00 US for A3 width 29 x height 42cm.
This painting in acrylic is for sale at $1,250.00 US Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm x height 29cm. Or $205.00 US for A3 width 29 x height 42cm.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Beautiful Sulawesi girl
This piece of fine art called Sulawesi girl was painted in oils
Young Windy came to stay with our friend who is a school teacher at the high school, she stayed for one year even though it did not seem like a year, she was a fine ambassador for her country impeccable manners and all ways happy with a great smile, I was really happy when she agreed to site for me to paint her portrait, I always do a few detailed sketches of my subject before painting them, no matter what the subject is an animal or human, the painting of Windy was finished in 12 weeks and it went into the BMW ball at the Goldcoast and sold for $9.500 to raise money for the Cancer Council of Queensland.
New and the Old
These bridge's on Dartmoor represents the new and the old, I always wonder which one will outlast the other.
The original is for sale at $600.00 US, Prints of this drawing are available.
25% Of all the profits from any of my paintings sold on this site will go to Cancer Council. Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm X height 29cm or $205.00 US for A3 width 29cm X height 42cm.
The original is for sale at $600.00 US, Prints of this drawing are available.
25% Of all the profits from any of my paintings sold on this site will go to Cancer Council. Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm X height 29cm or $205.00 US for A3 width 29cm X height 42cm.
Once again this was one of those lucky shots. After camping for 6 weeks and extensively photographing and sketching the lakes area of Tasmania. I had just set up to photograph a waterfall when a quoll happened along. He was hunting around rocks on the edge of a ravine where some large gums were growing from the bottom of the ravine. No artistic licence has been exercised and you will note the injured tail which was unusually split and the variation in fur colour. Quolls are ferocious little marsupials, about the size of a rabbit, and they will eat anything they can catch.
This painting in Acrylic is for sale at $1,250.00 US Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm x height 29cm. Or $205.00 US for A3 width 29 X height 42cm.
This painting in Acrylic is for sale at $1,250.00 US Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm x height 29cm. Or $205.00 US for A3 width 29 X height 42cm.
I first saw dingos on Fraser island you can get to the island from Harvey bay on a ferry, anyway, the two dingos in my sketch was drawn at the Strzelecki Desert, I had been on a little road trip from Sydney, I put up my camp just inside the Strzelecki not far from Mount Hopeless, and then started exploring I was not looking for anything in particular just looking, after 4 days I was sitting down sketching some scenery I had been there about 2 hours when I looked up and saw just 50 meters away from two dingos on a small rise which gave me the vision for this sketch, they did not stay long they were gone before I could get a pencil.
This drawing is for sale at $600,00 US + postage, Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm x height 29cm. Or $205.00 US for A3 width 29 x height 42cm.
This drawing is for sale at $600,00 US + postage, Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm x height 29cm. Or $205.00 US for A3 width 29 x height 42cm.
Magnificent Hummingbird
Sold This painting in acrylic was done from sketches made when I was in the USA for a few weeks many years ago, I was down very close to the Mexican border in Corpus Christi and Laredo I had a great two weeks, But I enjoyed the journey back to Europe in my Grandfathers yacht I loved sailing, I had just forgotten all about the sketches of this little hummingbird and when I found them I just had to paint this beautiful hummingbird hope you all like this painting.
This painting in Acrylic is for sale at $1,250.00 + postage, Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm x height 29cm. Or $205.00 US for A3 width 29 x height 42cm.
This painting in Acrylic is for sale at $1,250.00 + postage, Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm x height 29cm. Or $205.00 US for A3 width 29 x height 42cm.
Beautiful Eagle And Chick
This painting in acrylic is for sale at $1,250.00 + postage, size H60cm x W45cm fully framed ready to hang. Prints are available on archival canvas for $155.00 US for A4 width 21cm x height 29cm. Or $205.00 US for A3 width 29 x height 42cm.
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